
Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest secular fraternal societies. It is a world-wide organisation based on the principle of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of man. It is a society of men concerned with moral and spiritual values. Its members are taught its precepts by series of ritual which follow ancient forms and use stone masons’ customs and tools and allegorical guides. It seeks to make good men better and thereby make the world a better place in which to live. Freemasonry has been in existence in the present form for nearly 280 years in the world and for over 250 years in India. There are more than 150 Grand Lodges functioning all over the world.

Freemasonry traces its origin from King Solomon’s times, but its real origin is lost in antiquity. Freemasonry in its present form originated in England, in 1717. It came to India, at Calcutta in 1729. Freemasonry exists in over 190 countries in the World. There are over 5 million Freemasons in the world; in India we have about 20,000 Freemasons. There are as on date, 360 Lodges in 142 locations all over India, which are the basic units for membership. Prominent Indian Freemasons include Swami Vivekananda, Moti Lal Nehru C. Rajagopalachary, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, Fakhrudhin Ali Ahmed, Actor Ashok Kumar, Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi etc., as also a wide variety of a cross section of society and professionals, such as Doctors, Engineers, Industrialists, Professors, Teachers Advocates, Chartered Accountants, Business Executives, Judges, Officers of various ranks belonging to Armed Forces, Civil Service Officers etc

How does Masonry gets its membership

Freemasonry does not canvass for members. The person must seek for membership of a Masonic Lodge of his own free will and accord. He would however, be provided all information he wishes to know. Who is eligible to become a Mason? No atheist can become a Mason. Anyone who is of good moral character and believes in the existence of Almighty God and a belief in the Supreme Being, no matter by what name He is called, or what faith the person professes, is eligible. What does Freemasonry expect from one who joins it? He must understand and appreciate its high ideals and objectives and put to actual practice its motto of “Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth”. Patriotism & Loyalty to one’s own country and the Fraternity at all times is a bounden duty. It expects that a Freemason should do unto others, as he would wish others would do unto him. Charity is the predominant characteristic of a Freemason’s heart. He is always expected to “give” to Freemasonry rather than expect to “receive” anything from it for personal benefit. That he will practice outside the Lodge those duties & virtues that he is taught inside the Lodge.

Objective of Masonry

Motto of Freemasonry is Brotherly Love, Relief & Truth. Freemasonry seeks to make good men better. It encourages the practice of the moral virtues of Temperance, Fortitude, prudence and Justice.It inculcates obedience to God & observance of the Laws of the country. It is committed to extend the hand of fellowship & provide Relief to those in distress.

What Masonry Is Not

It is not a Religion, However it emphasizes secularism by teaching respect for and tolerance towards all religions. It is not a political party or organisation. It reminds them of the filial affection one should always have for the Land of their birth, to remain loyal to the laws of the land which, for the time being, may be the place of their residence, or afford them protection. It is not a secret society There is nothing secret or secretive about Freemasonry. Freemasonry does not conceal the time and place of its meeting nor does a member hide the fact of his membership. Like many other Societies it regards some of its internal affairs as private matters of concern only for its members. There is no secret about its aims & principles. Copies of its Constitutions and Rules can be obtained by interested members of the public from its offices. It is not a social club However, it provides the means of socializing among its members, which consists of a cross section of society drawn from all walks of life who meet on an equal · footing. It also involves the families of members on such social occasions.